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Fusion Hair Extensions: Everything You Need to Know

Hair extensions are used by a lot of people who want to make their hair longer, or add volume. They also work well for those that have thinning hair and need more volume for styling. One type of extension that has become very popular is fusion hair extensions. The process behind these extensions is unique because it fuses the extension with your own natural hairs to keep them from shedding out over time like other methods do!
In this blog post we will discuss what fusion hair extensions are, how they work, what kind of styles you can achieve with them, and more!
1. What are hair extensions and how do they work?
Hair extensions are a way to instantly add length, volume and thickness. They come in many different forms like wefted hair or fusion hair extensions which is the style of extension that we will be discussing more today.
How they work depends on what type you have installed but for most methods it means using clips to attach them to your own hair to create the desired style.
Hair extensions are good for all types of looks and styles, but they do not last forever because you’re adding onto a natural process which is always shedding! This means that over time the extensions will shed out too until eventually there won’t be any left so plan accordingly!
2. What is fusion hair extensions?
Fusion hair extensions are a type of extension that is fused to your own natural hair which means these will not shed out over time like other methods do. It also helps achieve different styles because it doesn’t need clips or glue for installation!
This process begins by using an adhesive strip which is then wrapped around the weft and can be done in a spiral or zig-zag pattern which is then fused together with heat. This process is known as hot fusion and it’s been proven to work very well!
The finished product will give you the length, volume, thickness, color and style that you want without having any of the side effects like other methods do!

3. What is different about fusion hair?
Fusion extensions have many benefits including being more durable than other methods, lasting much longer, matching all colors, giving you length without damaging your own hair and looking great in updos or braids! Fusion extensions use a keratin bond adhesive strip to fuse the extension with your own natural hairs. Hot fusion uses a tool to fuse the extension to your hair and uses heat for bonding which creates a stronger bond.
Different types of hair extensions
There a several different types of hair extensions. Each has their own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to know what you’re getting into before committing to install any!
Hot Fusion Vs I-Tip Hair Extensions
I-Tip Extensions: Also known as cold fusion, these extensions have one major benefit as well. Just like hot fusion extensions, they will not shed out over time like other methods do! I-tips use silicone beads or shrink tubes for installation. They also come in all colors and can be matched perfectly with your natural hair color.
Hot Fusion Vs. Tape In Extensions
Tape In Extensions: This is a very popular and effective method to get extensions. Tape in extensions are pre-taped pieces of hair that can be attached using keratin tape which creates the bond between your natural hairs and extension strands.
These extensions will not shed out over time like they fuse together with your own hair so you don’t have to worry about the hair loss. However, it does not last as long as hot fusion extensions because the tape is not fused and it will need to be reinstalled every six to twelve weeks.
Hot Fusion Vs. Weft Extensions
Weft Extensions: This is the most common type of hair extensions and it’s very similar to fusion because they are installed with silicone beads. They also work in a variety of styles but like all other methods, you will need to keep them maintained every four weeks.

4. How to get your own set of hot fusion hair extensions
Get a consultation with a stylist to determine what kind of style you want and how much hair will be needed.
What length should I choose?
Some people prefer fusion hair extensions that are a little lower for styling purposes. It depends on what you want the extension to do and where your natural hairs start!
What thickness should I choose?
If you want really thick hair or voluminous hair, go with at least 100g if not more because thicker wefts will give you much more volume.
What color should I choose?
Fusion hair extensions come in all colors so feel free to experiment with the shades! Some people prefer a natural look while others want full coverage and then there are those who like to be bold by getting vibrant colors like pink or purple. It’s up to you though, anything goes as long as it matches your natural hair color!
What type of install pattern should I choose?
Choose between spiral or zig-zag pattern for installation and start enjoying your new look! You’ll love these fusions so give them a try today!
5. Different styles you can achieve with them
Different styles that are achievable with this type of extension include updos, half up styles like braids and twists, full head wraps if your style needs more coverage, high and low ponytails and buns which would require less length since they’re on top of your head instead.
Updos look especially great with fusion hair extensions because they give you much more volume and the ability to create larger, fuller styles like disco buns or chignons.
Half up styles
Half up styles are also very popular with fusion hair extensions because they give you length without damaging your own hair. This includes updos, braids and twists which we will discuss later!
Full head wraps
If your style needs more coverage then full head wraps might be best for you. These kinds of covers can help cover things like bald spots or thinning hair which other methods might not be able to do.
High Ponytail
For a different look, try using fusion hair extensions to make an interesting high ponytail. This style is very popular with college students who want some extra length but don’t have the time or money for professional styling!
Low Ponytail
The other popular style is the low ponytail. This one can be achieved with fusion hair extensions by using a blow dryer to make your own hair more sleek, straight and glossy so that it lays down nicely around the extension!
Lastly, buns look great with fusion hair extensions because you can create them without much length and they’re on top of your head so there isn’t as much weight pulling down at the crown of your skull! These are perfect for those who have shorter hair and want some length!
6. Fusion Hair Extensions FAQs
How much does fusion hair extensions cost?
The price of this service varies depending on how long you want your locks extended but most clients find they spend between $400-$700. The final fee depends mostly on the type, texture, length, color, and thickness that you choose so make sure to find out what all these factors are before committing or waiting for an appointment.
How long do fusion hair extensions last?
Four months is the average lifespan for this type of extension.
Can fusion hair be dyed or styled differently than my natural color?
Yes. You can dye the extensions any color that you want and also style them with different tools.
What does this process feel like?
The experience differs depending on what type of service you get but most clients report feeling relaxed during their appointment which in turn makes them calm down about how much time has passed while waiting!
Will I need to come back for a follow-up service?
No you won’t! The final step in installation is using heat to fuse the extension together so it will not have any negative side effects as well as being durable enough to last much longer than other methods do!
Do fusion hair extensions ruin your hair?
No. Fusion hair extensions are made with 100% human hair so they won’t ruin your natural one. They also use a special adhesive to attach the extension and will not harm any of yours!
Does fusion hair look real?
Yes, because these types of extensions are made with 100% human hairs so even though they’re longer and thicker than what most people naturally grow out on their head, then yes – they look very realistic and could easily fooled by anyone who doesn’t know better! The only difference would come from what your natural hairline is shaped like.
How do I know if fusion extensions are for me?
This type of extension would be perfect for anyone who wants fuller locks, has a hard time styling their hair in the morning because it takes too long to get ready and feels anxious about how much time they’re spending on themselves during the day, or someone who just generally doesn’t have enough hours in the day to make doing so happen!
When should I get my first set of fusion hair installed?
It’s recommended that you wait until your natural roots start showing before getting this service done but if there isn’t time for that then just make sure to keep up with regular appointments every few months. This will ensure you have the best looking locks possible!
Do fusion hair extensions hurt?
No, they won’t. The only thing that might happen is if your natural hair gets pulled during installation but this will be avoided as much as possible so don’t worry about it too much!
When can I wash my hair after fusion extensions?
No. You need to wait 48 hours after installation before washing your hair and doing anything else to it.
How do I care for my hair after fusion extensions?
It’s important to keep up with regular trims because the extension will sometimes pull out your natural hairs. Also, it is recommended that you use a volumizing shampoo or conditioner when washing so as not to damage them since these types of products help with all types of hair.
How do you brush fusion hair extensions?
It’s recommend that you brush and style these extensions the same way as your natural locks!
How do you sleep with fusion hair extensions?
You should sleep on a satin pillowcase so that your hair doesn’t get tangled and damaged. Put your hair in a loose braid before you go to sleep and you should be good to go!
Can I use heat on my hair after fusion extensions?
It’s not recommended that you do but it isn’t the end of the world if your natural locks get frizzy or dry. You can also have a stylist touch up any damage from using too much heat which will happen over time anyways since this type of extension is more prone to breakage than other methods are.
How do you wash your hair with fusion extensions?
You should wash your hair every three days or so but remember to use a volumizing shampoo and conditioner.
Can you swim with fusion hair extensions?
Yes, but you need to wear a swim cap so that the extension doesn’t tangle or get damaged.

7. Fusion Hair Extensions Reviews from Customers
Review #01: “I love my hair extensions! I had been wanting to get them for a while and found this place. They are very nice people and do great work!”
Review #02: “They have so many different styles of fusion hair extensions, it was hard to choose one but they were all beautiful.”
Review #03: “My new stylist did an amazing job with these extensions! The color blends in nicely with my natural strands too which is always the hardest part of any treatment.”
Fusion hair extensions are great for anyone who wants fuller locks, has a hard time styling their hair in the morning because it takes too long to get ready and feels anxious about how much time they’re spending on themselves during the day or someone who just generally doesn’t have enough hours in the day to make doing so happen!
It’s recommended that you wait until your natural roots start showing before getting this service done but if there isn’t time then just make sure to keep up with regular appointments every few months. This will ensure you have the best looking locks possible!