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Perfect Human Hair Extension
Hey there! Are you in search of a hair extension? Be sure to opt for the right type. While there are a countless number of online sellers selling many types of hair extensions, Hottie Hair is at your service and will be your most trusted advisor when it comes to perfect human hair extensions.
Let us begin with the most basic fact, contrary to the claim of the sellers, not all hair extensions are human hair. The mixing of animal hair, synthetic hair is common to fool the customers and make an unfair profit. Better to opt for a product from a reputed company that procures hair ethically and morally and carries only high-quality human hair with environment-friendly processing. For your knowledge, there are only three types of human hair extensions:
- The Virgin Hair Extension
- The Remy Hair Extensions
- The Non-Remy Hair Extensions
The Virgin Hair Extension
The top-notch quality, in fact, the premium quality hair extensions available in the market. 100% original and 100% authentic hair extensions without any risk of chemical alteration. The most expensive extensions because of their longevity. Yes, Virgin Human Hair Extensions last longer than the Remy Hair Extensions (discussed below). The name comes from the absence of any chemical process while being part of the donor’s hair. The donors are mostly young, healthy women with no grey hair or split end. You need to extra cautious as some companies to increase the pace of production do resort to chemical treatments. This affects the quality of the hair. Search for virgin extensions with an environment-friendly process. Proper maintenance increases their life by a year, which means they can last for a whole two years.
The Remy Extensions
Known for their high quality and being expensive, the Remy hair extensions enjoy great popularity. These extensions, if maintained well, can last more than one year. The cuticles are intact, and the hair flow in the same direction; that is the condition for their collection. Proper collection and correct processing will ensure there is no tangling or shedding. The term ‘top-quality Remy’ refers to the fact that selection is made directly from the head of a woman, in a ponytail. While the cuticles will be intact and have a perfect root to tip flow. Be sure that the hair is double drawn i-e all of the same length, and is true Remy which does not tangle.
The Non-Remy Extensions

It is collected off the floor in salons or temples and often sold under the label of being ‘Remy,’ so be careful. As the ‘Non-Remy Hair Extensions’ are collected from the floor, the direction of the cuticles are in no way defined, leading to issues: tangling, shedding, and matting. To fool the customers and to hide these defects, the suppliers resort to the use of chemicals to strip the cuticles and create an artificial softness and silkiness through silicone coating. After a few washes, the defects appear to be visible. The tangling, shedding, and matting will destroy them; hence, such type of hair extensions are not known for their longevity. Thus known as a temporary solution for your hair extension needs as they can’t endure heat or coloring.