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Frizzy hair is sometimes a serious problem. We have all likely watched the comedy show called Friends. Do you remember the show in which they all go to Barbados? They went there to have a fun vacation, but it all goes wrong when Monica gets frizzy due to the humidity.
Further into the episode, Rachel tells everyone that Monica’s poor hair has doubled in size since they landed. And it just keeps getting worse and worse. While this was just a funny comedy sitcom on TV, don’t let what happened to Monica happen to your hair. You can make sure it doesn’t by following these hints:
//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.jsIf you are having problems with your hair, you need to take a look at the styling products you are using. The stuff you use all the time might be what is causing the havoc to your hair. Go get the container of whatever conditioner or shampoo you use and start reading its ingredients. Does it have any alcohol? Are there any sulfates? Both of those ingredients are quite bad because they will make your hair dry out. Get some with shea butter instead, for instance, as it’s good for the hair.
Similarly, you ought to possibly shampoo your hair less often. Everyone wants their hair to be clean, but going 24 hours between shampoos is a good idea. You should only shampoo the hair a few times a week, and the other times just use some conditioner. That’s known as conditioner washing or co-washing. Conditioners actually have a bit of the same cleansing products as shampoo, so it still works. It’s fine to not use shampoo every time. We suggest trying Hydra Shampoo and Hydra Conditioner for washing and cleaning the hair and keeping it hydrated.
You might love it hot, however your hair hates it. You should begin to use cooler water when you take a shower. Water close to boiling temperatures might feel good on the skin, but it hurts hair. It strips hair and even skin of the natural oils in them. If you really must use super-hot water in your shower, then make sure it doesn’t hit your hair.
When the hair has been washed, don’t instantly grab your hairdryer either. No one wants to sit there freezing in wet hair, but it’s best for your hair. You ought to let it air dry between 80 and 90 percent prior to using a hairdryer. If the hair is wet, believe me, it is vulnerable.
Talking about vulnerability, do you use any heat protecting products? Please say you do even if it’s not true. If not, hurry to your nearest store and get it. Heat protection products hold in the natural moisture of the hair if you plan to use any heated tools on it. We suggest you try Jon Renau Heat Treat Thermal Spray – it is astonishing! Oh, and also make sure the temperature is turned lower on tools like curling irons or straighteners. You truly don’t need to put them on high to fix your hair. They should be at a temperature under 350 degrees.
In the connection between your hair and yourself, you are the one who’s a bad guy. Your hair should be treated better, so stop damaging it and do things differently. Firstly and most important, stop all that hair touching! I bet you are doing it right now. Touching it is a mindless thing a lot of people do. But the fingers strip off the hair oils your hair needs and it an also make the hair strands break or the hair could get frizzy.
You must get a silk pillowcase. That is not due to being luxurious though. A person’s hair lays flat against the pillow for several hours every night. The majority of material is very rough on your hair and causes friction which then causes breakage. If you use a silk pillowcase your hair will stay smooth as you sleep.
If you believed your pillow had the only bad material, you would be wrong. Towels too are way too rough to use on hair. Yeah, I know you can’t use silk for towels. But you could use a plain cotton tee shirt for drying your hair after you shower. And do not wrap the hair up in towels or even that tee shirt after you wash it, it causes more frizziness and friction. Keep your hair free.
With all that effort and time people use when taking care of their hair, you’d never think you’d end up with frizzy hair. But several small alterations in your habits will give you great sexy hair. But if you still end up fighting with frizzy hair, you may want to consider getting extensions. They are so simple to use, especially if you get the clip on kinds. Consider it!
What do you do to battle frizzy hair? Tell us via the comments!